I make realistic affordable 3D models for:
Both custom and pre-made models.
These model types are designed to fail in a typical high-end production setting. They’re perfect for pre-production, project planning and references only, which is why they’re so affordable.
Reach out if interested!
I don't make "high-end" models like:
To keep the prices down, I avoid these modeling styles. They’re more expensive to make and have a more complicated process and pipeline.
I’m a big fan of using low-end models in my still renders and book covers. If I need to add more details or effects, I just do it in my 2D application. In my opinion, I don’t need high-end, sub-d, or hero models for my projects. I think a lot of other artists feel the same way.
You can access my free models on Sketchfab and you'll see the level of quality I am referring to. These should fit any conceptual stage in your projects or as references in your 2D artwork.